Public Works
The Public Works department takes care of local roads and maintenance in the village.
To request work or an estimate for work to be done by Public Works on your property, please complete the Request For Public Works form and submit it to the South River Municipal office.
The Public Works Committee meets on the third Thursday of each month. Any items regarding Public Works should be submitted to the Public Works Committee for discussion at its next meeting. Submissions for the agenda must be received by the municipal office no later than the Monday prior to the meeting.
A seasonal compost collection is scheduled for the spring and fall. This service is for the collection of lawn rakings, leaves and small bundles of brush and twigs. Brush must cut into 4’ lengths and tied into manageable bundles. Compost collection normally takes place on Mondays for the months of May and October with the exception of statutory holidays; in which case compost will be collected on Tuesday of that week. This service is provided by municipal staff and may be delayed due to circumstances beyond control of the village i.e. (weather, unplanned water distribution maintenance, emergencies, etc.)
Regular waste & recycling pick-up is provided by a third party contractor.
The 2024 Recycling Calendar can be viewed here.
Contact Public Works: 705-386-0245