Waste & Recycling Services
Regular household waste is collected every Friday and recyclables are collected on alternate weeks. The Green box and Blue box are used for recycling collection. Alternatively, you may use another sturdy container as long as recycling is sorted properly and put out on the correct day. Place your recycling box out only when full and no later than 8:00 a.m. and leave out until after 8 p.m. on your collection day along with your bagged household waste. Please be courteous and collect any waste or recycling that has blown away from your property.
If you have any questions regarding recycling, please call the service provider; Waste Connections of Canada: 1-800-461-4448, Residential Collection Direct Line: (705)645-4453 ext. 5623 or 5600 or the Village of South River: (705)386-2573.
The DON’Ts of recycling…
Do not bag your recyclables or put plastic bags in your blue box.
Other items that are not recyclable include plastic clamshells, items soiled with food or other waste, small food crates, hoses and wires and bulky items like old toys, small appliances or propane canisters.
Household garbage is collected every Friday and is limited to 2 bags per household.
Green Box -Junk mail & Envelopes -Newspapers, Office Paper, Computer Paper & OCC (old corrugated containers) -Cardboard (flattened bundled & tied with a string placed next to your green box) |
Blue Box -Plastic Bottles #1 and #2 (see code on bottom of containers) -Glass Bottles & Jars -Metal Food and Beverage Cans
LARGE ITEM PICK-UP dates for 2025 are Monday, April 28, Monday, August 11 and Monday, November 3. This service is for bulky items, not a large quantity of small items and does not include automotive, steel, bbq’s, water coolers or hazmat items. Register your items by calling the municipal office no later than 4 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the pick-up. Items must be out to the curb by 8 a.m. on the day of pick-up.
A SEASONAL COMPOST collection is scheduled for the spring and fall. This service is for the collection of lawn rakings, leaves and small bundles of brush and twigs. Brush must cut into 4’ lengths and tied into manageable bundles. Compost collection normally takes place on Mondays for the months of May and October with the exception of statutory holidays; in which case compost will be collected on Tuesday of that week. This service is provided by municipal staff and may be delayed due to circumstances beyond control of the village i.e. (weather, unplanned water distribution maintenance, emergencies, etc.) Christmas trees will be picked up on Monday, January 6, 2025
Almaguin Recycling Initiative (ARI) facilitates household hazardous waste collection on behalf of partnering municipalities. The collection is held at Strong landfill site located at 483 Forest Lake Road in Sundridge, which takes place twice a year usually in the spring and summer.
HAZMAT drop off is available during designated times at the Strong Landfill site #1, 483 Forest Lake Road. Scheduled dates for this service in 2025 will be announced at a later time.
City of North Bay Hazardous Waste Program
Residents of North Bay and surrounding townships can take these items to the Household Hazardous Waste Depot located next to the Recycling Center at 112 Patton St., free of charge. The Household Hazardous Waste Depot is open Wednesday to Saturday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., year round.
Leftover paints, old batteries, medicines and motor oil are all part of a long list of items classified as household hazardous wastes. If not disposed of properly, they can be harmful to not only the environment, but to human health. Disposing of hazardous waste by pouring it down the drain may corrode plumbing, poison septic tanks, destroy sewage treatment organisms, release toxic fumes and contaminate surface and groundwater.
There are limits to how much waste residents can bring per trip. Please, do not bring more than 60 litres of waster at any one time. Greater quantities can be rejected at the discretion of staff.
The City is part of Stewardship Ontario’s Orange Drop Program. This is a recycling program aimed at keeping hazardous waste out of Ontario’s landfills and waterways. The Orange Drop program ensures that the materials you drop off are recycled or otherwise disposed of in a safe and environmentally-friendly matter. Since this program is industry funded, it means you do not pay the costs in your property taxes, and your participation helps keep toxic items out of the landfill.
For general inquiries, please contact the Wasteline or Waste Management 705-474-0400, ext. 2333.
For more information please visit City of North Bay Website
The following products are examples of Household Hazardous Waste that should be taken to the HHW Depot: